Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ruminant Bloom. Julia Lohmann
Saturday, March 1, 2008
dining in 2o15, from designboom
handled with care, from designboom
richard hutten
Richard Hutten (1967 Zwollerkerspel) graduated at the Academy Industrial Design Eindhoven in 1991. That same year he started his own designstudio, working on a variety of projects such as: furniture-, product-, interior- and exhibition design.
He developed his 'No sign of design' and 'Table upon table' concepts.
He is one of the most internationally successful Dutch designers; a key exponent of "Droog Design", in which he has been involved since it's inception in 1993.
rotation moulded LDPE
Orange, white or blue
collection: Centraal Museum Utrecht,
Museum Für Concrete Kunst Ingolstadt
DOMOOR (a.k.a. DOMBO) 2002
injection moulded PPC
blue, orange or purple
collection: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
RHINO 2002
rotation moulded LDPE
blue, white or fluor orange
Inoda + Sveje
The design process:
In order to create a final product with the aesthetic values we are looking for, and also being optimized according to our other criteria (such as user experience, production and transportation), we include all of the product needs in our design process, it will roughly be as follows (all designers have a more or less standardized way of developing but not all will describe it). It is important to remember that the process alone have no usage if one can not distinguish the quality of different solutions, and to do this we use our "Design principles":
Research and define:
In this phase we will try to make a clear image of the task ahead. We will define the product to be designed with a few words. We will also try to pinpoint important details of added value and roughly the materials involved. The tasks are:
-Design brief ( functional): kind, materials, etc.
-Design brief ( non functional): user, appearance, etc.
-Identify major assets in the product to make it a success
-Competitive analysis
-Company / product identity analysis
Conceptual design:
At this point we will start the innovative process, conceive the ideas that will be the foundation of the product, we will start with many solutions and then narrow down to those needed:
-Creating alternative solutions
-Selecting the right solutions
-Creating presentations of the chosen designs
Optimization and detailing:
At this point we have identified the aesthetic values of the products, and will refine it in accordance with suitable production methods for the chosen materials:
-Proportions and ergonomics
-Production and Detailing
Test, evaluation and finalizing:
This is the time to correct details by evaluating the prototypes and decide the last parts in close contact with the production plant:
-Modifying to maxify goals (design / production)
-Finishes (colors etc.)
-PR (catalogue, packaging etc.)
Suspension lamp.
-Made in acrylic glass, colorless, frosted exterior
-Fixture made in aluminium
-Metal parts in white color
-Lamp voltage: 220 V
-Light source: 1/40W T5 or 1/55W T5
-Pendant cable in white color, max length 1500 mm
Ø: 320 mm
Height: 30 mm
Suspension Lamp F2 was designed in August 2003.
Illuminating hand mirror.
-Made in acrylic glass, colorless, frosted exterior
-Mirror on both sides
-Ballast in the handle
-Lamp voltage: 220 V
-Light source: 1/40W T5 or 1/55W T5
-Cable in white color
Mirrorlamp was designed in August 2003.
In order to create a final product with the aesthetic values we are looking for, and also being optimized according to our other criteria (such as user experience, production and transportation), we include all of the product needs in our design process, it will roughly be as follows (all designers have a more or less standardized way of developing but not all will describe it). It is important to remember that the process alone have no usage if one can not distinguish the quality of different solutions, and to do this we use our "Design principles":
Research and define:
In this phase we will try to make a clear image of the task ahead. We will define the product to be designed with a few words. We will also try to pinpoint important details of added value and roughly the materials involved. The tasks are:
-Design brief ( functional): kind, materials, etc.
-Design brief ( non functional): user, appearance, etc.
-Identify major assets in the product to make it a success
-Competitive analysis
-Company / product identity analysis
Conceptual design:
At this point we will start the innovative process, conceive the ideas that will be the foundation of the product, we will start with many solutions and then narrow down to those needed:
-Creating alternative solutions
-Selecting the right solutions
-Creating presentations of the chosen designs
Optimization and detailing:
At this point we have identified the aesthetic values of the products, and will refine it in accordance with suitable production methods for the chosen materials:
-Proportions and ergonomics
-Production and Detailing
Test, evaluation and finalizing:
This is the time to correct details by evaluating the prototypes and decide the last parts in close contact with the production plant:
-Modifying to maxify goals (design / production)
-Finishes (colors etc.)
-PR (catalogue, packaging etc.)
Suspension lamp.
-Made in acrylic glass, colorless, frosted exterior
-Fixture made in aluminium
-Metal parts in white color
-Lamp voltage: 220 V
-Light source: 1/40W T5 or 1/55W T5
-Pendant cable in white color, max length 1500 mm
Ø: 320 mm
Height: 30 mm
Suspension Lamp F2 was designed in August 2003.
Illuminating hand mirror.
-Made in acrylic glass, colorless, frosted exterior
-Mirror on both sides
-Ballast in the handle
-Lamp voltage: 220 V
-Light source: 1/40W T5 or 1/55W T5
-Cable in white color
Mirrorlamp was designed in August 2003.
Costanza compleix 20 anys i es fa Gran.
Icona del disseny ha travessat estils i èpoques diverses romanent invariable en el temps, sempre adient, actual i elegant.
El 1986 el projecte de Paolo Rizzato revoluciona el món de la il·luminació. La tipologia tradicional “abat-jour” que fins aleshores preveia una base pesada, inamovible, i una pantalla de tela o vidre, es reinventa amb materials renovats.
Una simple pantalla en policarbonat, un subtil peu d’alumini i un dimmer sensorial amb vareta contribueixen a la reducció formal del arquetip de la il·luminació, a la realització d’una nova i equilibrada lleugeresa.
L’èxit mundial de la làmpara es determina per l’oscil·lació entre tradició i tecnologia i per l’extraordinària capacitat per a difondre una llum càlida, íntima i envoltant
Aquests anys Costanza s’ha utilitzat en innumerables projectes signats per notables arquitectes.
Costanza és també la làmpara que il·lumina innumerables cases privades arreu del món, introduint-se amb naturalitat en qualsevol decoració, des de l’estil més modern al més tradicional.
Per a celebrar el seu incommensurable èxit, Luceplan proposa ara noves proporcions capaces d’explicar la grandesa.
Els mateixos materials i la mateixa tecnologia, signes inconfusibles d’un projecte d’avantguarda.
Grande Costanza converteix una presència tan visible com lleugera, capaç de decorar els espais amb aspecte simple però al mateix temps rigorós. La llum de la pantalla és sempre agradable, intensa i domèstica, apta per a il·luminar tan els ambients privats com els públics.
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